Large Barns |
Pole Barns |
Storage Barns |
Shedrow Barns |
Garages |
Run-In Sheds |
Hay Feeders |
Material Options
38’x 86’ Horse Barn, Monitor style
32 Pier footings for foundation
6"x 6" PT base
6” x 6” PT posts 12’ OC
10’ high walls
4/12 pitch on lower roof
6/12 pitch on upper roof
2 14’ return gables on each side with 6/12 pitch
2” x 10” headers
Roof has 2” x 8” rafters
29-gauge metal roof
1” x 12” B&B Eastern White Pine siding
Twelve 12’ x 12’ Stalls
Twelve 4’ x 7’ Dutch doors
& 6-light windows with guard
One 14’ x 9’ wood split slider-12-lite window
Interlocking rubber stall mats
4’ high wood European stall fronts
2’ x 8’ T&G SYP Dividers with 36” high grill
2” x 8” T&G SYP kickboard
14’ x 86’ center aisle
One 12’ x 34’ overhang
Two 12’ x 24’ overhangs
Other options are available