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  • 12'x48' Shed Row Horse Barn with 3 Stalls & Tack

    12'x48' Shed Row Horse Barn with 3 Stalls & Tack

  • Inside Stall with Oak Kick Board in a Shed Row Horse Barn

    Inside Stall with Oak Kick Board in a Shed Row Horse Barn

Windy Hill Sheds and Barns Price Quote Form

12X48 Metal Shed Row Horse Barn, 10 Ft. Overhang & Tack

12'x48' Shed Row Horse Barn
6x6  PT base foundation
8' front & 7' back wall .
4"X 4" Oak Posts
2" x 4" Oak Framing
2"x 4" Rafters 16"OC
1/2" Plywood Sheathing 
10' Front Overhang
29-Gauge Metal Siding & Roof
6'  Tack Room & Entry Door
3' x 2' Tack Window, no Guard   
4' High Oak Kickboard
Three Dutch Doors on 3 Stalls
Stalls have a 3' x 2' window with guard.
Cupola and Weathervane.
Other finish options can be selected.
Choose  Shingles or T&G Pine Siding. 
Or Stone Dust and Rubber Mats.
Or more Windows. 
Or a Finished and Insulated Tack. 

Considering making your dream a reality?
Contact Windy Hill Sheds to discuss a structure similar to this one!